18th October 2020 | Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, Workplace Wellbeing
National Work Life Week is an opportunity for both employers and employees to focus on wellbeing at work and work life balance. As a company, the wellbeing of our team is of utmost importance. We want to make sure everybody has the right work life balance for them, we...
7th October 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, Schools
Perhaps even more so this year with the twists and turns that 2020 has brought, it feels like we are hurtling towards Christmas more quickly than ever. This means it’s time for us to start thinking ahead to one of our most heart-warming campaigns of the year –...
2nd October 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health
I am a person who loves to smile. I love smiling at others and seeing them smile back. It makes me feel good, it makes me happy. And I, along with many others rely on facial expressions to read how other people are feeling. During this strange time, most smiles are...